Three new scripts

New free scripts for adding caption and credit frames, and for converting 24-hour time to 12-hour time.

I recently added 3 new free scripts to the resources available on this website. These are all fragments of much larger script solutions I've been working on for paying clients, but I thought these small automations would be useful to others.

Add caption

Select one or more frames, and run this script. Caption frames will be added to each selected frame. The caption frame will be positioned precisely at the bottom of the selected frame, and be fully styled with object and paragraph styles, which you can then customize to achieve the exact look that you want. Download here.

Add credit

Select one or more frames, and run this script. You will be asked if you want the image credit frame to the left or right of the selected frame. Then Image credit frames will be added to each selected frame. The credit frame will be fully styled with object and paragraph styles, which you can then customize to achieve the exact look that you want. Download here.

24 to 12 hour time

This script will convert any times in the selected text that are expressed in "24-hour" time (14:52 for example) to 12-hour time (2:52 for example). Particularly useful for transit schedules or data merge projects. Download here.


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