I recently had a few minutes to work on a couple of user-requested scripts for working with InDesign form fields.
Check for duplicate form field names script
My friend Chad Chelius requested this. When working with complex forms, it is easy to accidentally give multiple form fields the same name. When you export to PDF, if two or more fields share the same name, information you type into one field appears in the others. When you run the “Check for duplicate form field names” script you are alerted if any form fields share the same name.
Remove numerals from form field names script
Awhile back, I released the “Remove numerals from form field names” script. When you copy and paste a form field, InDesign adds a numeral to the end of the field name in order to keep the field names unique. This script simply trims off any numerals from the names of all form fields in the document. The original script only worked with text form fields. The update released on 1-23-2024 now works with all form field types.
You can download these scripts, and many more, here.